
Required Parenting Class FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions
Required Parenting Class FAQs

Do you have required parenting class questions?

Sometimes, when parents in Massachusetts go to court because of their children, it can be helpful for them to take a parenting class. This special class can teach them how to be better parents, communicate with each other, and make life better for their kids. The family court in Massachusetts is now requiring parents to take it in order to reduce conflict and help resolve family court cases before they even start. We have compiled a list of questions we hear regularly from our clients regarding the Required Parenting Class and have provided the answers below.

What is 'Two Families Now'?

‘Two Families Now’ is a class that parents can take if they have to go to court about their kids about child custody and parenting plans. It’s a 4-hour online class that you can do on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. It helps parents learn how to work together even if they’re not together anymore. It is especially helpful if parents don’t get along that well or have trouble communicating about their kids.

If you’re in one of these situations and your case was filed after November 1, 2023, a judge will tell you to take the class:
Can Parents Choose to Take the Class Voluntarily?
When Do Parents Have to Take the Class?
What if Parents Agree on Everything?
Can the Court Change the Rule?
How Much Does the Class Cost?